Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2 Auto defeat 3:30min Solution!

There exists a BUG that some people experience in Rise of the Witch King where you are automatically defeated 3 minutes and 30 seconds after any particular battle begins. This is a BUG in which the computer thinks you have a cracked (pirated) version of the game, it will cause you to loose at the 3 minute 30 second mark.
This is the solution to this BUG!

1) Install Game.
2) download file from gamecopyworld: batalla2fix-spanish.rar (AKA PLAYFIX SPANISH)

3) Run Regedit (start->run->type: regedit) And Delete:
Electronic Arts> Electronic Arts> The Battle for Middle-earth II Electronic Arts> The Battle for Middle-earth II
4)Unzip (batalla2fix-spanish.rar) -> run Aurorun and Keygen (fff-ea121.exe)
when key is needed generate one (its all in spanish, si = yes..) chose where to install patch (program/The Battle for Middle-earth II/).. and at the end a error message will popup its okay (it can't run spanish version)
Run regedit again
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\Electronic Arts HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\Electronic Arts\The Battle for Middle-earth II Change when you see Language SPANISH -> English Uk Locale ES -> en_uk Product GUID > {2A9F95AB-65A3-432c-8631-B8BC5BF7477A}
6) Play game by using "La Batalla por la Tierra Media™ II" (shortcut) Don't worry it's in english and it works

1 comment:

  1. hey can you please help me.i know how to do the other stuff. it's step number 3 that's bugging me.where can I delete "Electronic Arts> Electronic Arts> The Battle for Middle-earth II Electronic Arts> The Battle for Middle-earth II", is that the same as " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\Electronic Arts HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\Electronic Arts\The Battle for Middle-earth II" in regedit? if not where can I find it?
